Our Hotel Washington Family


Since the beginning of this century, the Hotel for me was always a place to rest, join others, delight in a meal, and attend a workshop. When it was closed for four years in 2010, I missed it as did many others. After family obligations lifted and I found myself open to a new adventure, I envisioned the Hotel as an opportunity to contribute to the social, economic, and spiritual wellbeing of the Island community. It is an undertaking that has always been and always will be a grand adventure against odds. Step by step we move toward a future we can’t see, but one that I believed the universe assists us in creating.

Now five years later and almost 100 years after my grandparents rode a streamer from Chicago into Washington Harbor, the Hotel Washington & Studio welcomes guests in a tradition that Ben and Effie Johnson began in 1904. A tradition that stills honors their original words: ”Beautiful groves and lawns with the superb climate, complete the requirement of an Ideal Place for those who seek rest, recreation and pleasure. Rates Reasonable, Local and Long Distance Phones.”

Owner And Dreamer